

Meet George Jetson – Cleantech Group European Forum Antwerp

David Hassum recently attended the Cleantech Group’s annual European forum in Antwerp, Belgium. The Cleantech Group has been organising these forums for over 15 years. The attendees were from a wide range of groups in the Cleantech sector including senior representatives from major energy, oil and gas companies, large banking institutions, private equity and VC […]

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It’s all about the waste…no landfill

In 2016, the World Economic Forum warned that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. Closer to home, coral and fish of the Great Barrier Reef are being slowly poisoned by the consistent injection of plastic into our national treasure. Environmentally friendly waste management practices, zero waste to landfill, creating […]

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Clairfield International ranked at the top of H1 2018 league tables

Clairfield ranked in the top ten of financial advisors in Europe, France, Spain, and the Nordics, and achieved leading positions in virtually every region where we have a presence, according to half-year league tables published by Thomson Reuters. Our ranking is thanks to our sector-driven track record, and 80% of our mandates are of international […]

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Clairfield annual meeting in Milan & reflections in on M&A market

The strong M&A market worldwide will continue in 2018 – this was the unanimous and positive outlook from Clairfield International partners gathered in Milan. Premium valuations and the bullish stock market are driving M&A across all Clairfield geographies, while the sector expertise and seamless working together of Clairfield teams spell the formula to success in […]

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Transport & Logistics industry snapshot highlights Clairfield experience and reach in the sector

Deal activity across all subsectors, growth in overall volume, increasing interest from financial investors, and the diversification of mega and large deal activity point to continued buoyancy in T&L M&A activity in 2018, according to Clairfield’s Transport & Logistics Industry Snapshot. Albert Schander, head of Clairfield’s transport & logistics group spearheaded the sector report, which […]

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