

M&A and ultrarunning – the five similarities

Running an M&A process is similar to ultrarunning according to Mark Steinhardt, InterFinancial Executive Director. He’s done a fair bit of both so, after slogging it out over 80kms in Noosa recently, he decided to pen his thoughts on the similarities between M&A and ultrarunning. Originally shared as an article on Mark’s LinkedIn here: ________________ […]

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InterFinancial supports DDH Graham to complete cross-border corporate lift-out

Established in 1981, DDH Graham offers a wide range of investment products and services including cash management accounts, a variety of managed funds as well as super and non-super administration capabilities. With the leader of its administration business transitioning into retirement and increased regulation and market consolidation, DDH sought to explore options for potential partners […]

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ASX-listed Microba expands offering and UK footprint with IFL

Over the last 10 years, our understanding of the importance of the gut to overall health has jumped forward in leaps and bounds. It is now well understood that microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses living inside the human digestive tract (known collectively as the gut microbiome) are critical to many bodily functions. Not […]

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IFL lead M&A Advisor to Defence Sector ICT Contractor  

Being approached by an interested buyer is an exciting prospect for most businesses. When an offer does come through, it’s important that owners take control of the process to ensure it’s competitive and the deal structure makes sense for their business – a process that can be complex and time consuming. If, like Canberra-based ICT […]

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10 lessons on earnouts – the inside scoop from M&A Insiders

Anyone in the industry knows there’s no formal qualification in M&A. Everything you learn, you learn on the job. There are highs, there are lows, and it can be lonely at times. That’s why we’re intent on bringing together the M&A community to learn in the best way possible – from each other. Our most […]

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Ready to grow or exit? Meet Shaun Conroy

With this month’s focus on business value, it’s time to meet our newest team member Shaun Conroy. Passionate about helping business owners actualise profitability and valuation growth, Shaun is Director of our growth advisory practice. We spoke to Shaun about his role and the time he spent five hours on a plane with Donald Trump.  […]

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We’re on! AssetOn’s sale to COSOL

InterFinancial’s specialist tech division has worked with the shareholders of AssetOn since 2010, helping them to map out and achieve their growth strategy. Since then, AssetOn – provider of asset management solutions to the natural resources industry – went into partnership with Caterpillar dealer Hastings Deering, won major clients like BHP, and launched a complementary […]

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Unitywater and InterFinancial Deal celebration

Landing deal for Unitywater against the odds  

Longstanding partnership builds solid foundations  Since 2010, InterFinancial has worked alongside Unitywater to develop their growth strategy and a process that enables their Corporate Development team to successfully identify strategic investment opportunities. So, when they came to us with the opportunity to acquire a minority stake in their existing pipeline technology partner, Detection Services, we […]

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